Admissions open for Online Skill Training Please call 9750962821 for details...

Jeyram Educational Trust

Message from CEO

From CEO's

Skill development has been considered one of the critical aspects for job creation in India . India has unique demographic advantage with more than 60 % of the population is in young age group . But in order to get dividend from such large work force , employability has to be improved . As per current statistics only 10 % of the fresh graduates are employable and rest of the 90 % lack skills required for eligible to be hired by corporate .

One challenge every Educationalist especially those in to Skill Development faces today in India to bridge the gap between academics and skills required in industries . The real talented work – force does not find the job in the real world as they lack of basic skills and the limited bookish knowledge stay limited to books whereas the industry is looking for realistic knowledge

Skill development also starts with identifying future job prospects and segmentation of it according to need and feasibility of training candidates . Stakeholders for skill development need to be identified like Govt Entities , State Govt , Private Training Institutes , Large Corporates , NGO etc. Technology is essential driver which can easily help scaling up Skill Development Initiative . If skill segments , streams are identified then next step is to define educational contents or syllabus including practicality of the training . Technology can help to define standard training tools for the candidate and all tutorials , assignments , tests can be conducted using technology .

” Vocational education programs have made a real difference in the lives of countless young people nationwide ; they build self – confidence and leadership skills by allowing students to utilize their unique gifts and talents . “

J. Balakrishnan

Chief Executive Officer