CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

JET Skill’s Corporate Social Responsibility is tied to community welfare through skills training. The JET Skill’s training program under CSR, seeks to make underprivileged unskilled and/or semi-skilled individuals skilled members of the workforce such that they are able to earn better wages that contributes in improving their quality of life. The training sectors covered include Apparel, Computer Programming, Retail, BFSI, Telecom, Automotive, Hospitality and Tourism. The entire cost of the training is borne by our CSR Funding partners.
The JET Skills CSR training programs are geared towards benefitting economically challenged individuals of Tamilnadu but will eventually be extended to the 150+ training centers in Tamilnadu and planning for PAN India Operations. The training is provided as per the NSQF framework and students get an NSDC certificate following successful completion of the course, which add to their future employability. All the participants in the JET Skills CSR training program are recognized at the National Skills Convocation organized every year.
“The Vision 2023 of the Chief Minister, which outlines measures to eradicate poverty, is the starting point of the programme. We have ranked all the 385 blocks based on certain indicators and TNSRLM would be implemented first in the blocks that are lagging behind,” Ms. Amudha said.