About JET Skills
Jeyram Educational Trust (JET) popularly known as JET Skills founded in the year of 2009 by the Managing Trustee cum Chief Executive Officer,Shri J. Balakrishnan, a dynamic businessman and diplomat with the vision to create a platform through the Trust which would offer quality Education to all the category of the pupils especially to the underprivileged and weaker sections of our society who could not pursue their education due to limited means. We understand the Social construction of knowledge and skills is playing a vital role in management science. Indeed, no theory can simply describe the empirical realities as they are, nor any set of skills could be effectively used in all business situations. We frequently and carefully survey various trades and sectors for producing our trainees as per the industry demands.

Interview Scheduled Mission
“To provide life-changing apprenticeships to youth in underserved communities across India and uplift their livelihood.”

Skill Development & Training
Provide Quality Education to all the category of the pupil of rural especially to the underprivileged and weaker sections of our society.

Kaushal Melas
Jet Skills arranged many events for Awarness programs & Job Melas and has a success rates of Recruitment and Placements
Why Choose Us?
CSR Projects
A host of content services at your doorstep and Development Projects.
Corporate Alliance
Recruitment and Staffing solutions for a wide range of JDs in various sectors.
Helping school students in nurturing their Vocational skill sets for a brighter future.
Career Counselling
Implementing placement linked Skill Carrer Development and Projects
Government Projects
Implementing placement linked Skill Development Projects for various Central.
We have well equipped and good infrastructure for All Training Sectors .
Sector skill council (SSC)

Our Partners

Our Associates